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Why I Don’t Attend Church Anymore – Part 3

This series of blog posts has been a years long search for understanding for me. I am sure I am not 100% correct in my thinking in every...

Why I Don’t Attend Church Anymore – Part 2

This series of blog posts has been a years long search for understanding for me. I am sure I am not 100% correct in my thinking in every...

Why I Don’t Attend Church Anymore – Part 1

This series of blog posts has been a years long search for understanding for me. I am sure I am not 100% correct in my thinking in every...

Editing My Writing Career

I have always struggled with telling people that I’m an author – that I write books for a living. Partly because I don’t really make a...

Semi-Sweet Memories

I follow a lot of homestead accounts on Instagram. Not long ago, I was watching the stories from one of these homesteads and their kids,...

Mental Health Focus

I talk a lot about mental health on my author platform. But it isn’t the only thing I’m interested in. Since mental health, positivity,...

Healing from Anxiety

I’ve shared some about my struggle with anxiety on my Instagram stories, but since I struggled with anxiety, I often felt anxious about...

Stepping Back

My writing career has taken a turn in focus in the last few years. I talk a lot about mental health and practical ways to help and...

My Word For 2020

I look forward to New Year’s Eve every year. Not because I think that on January 1st, all the hurts, sorrows, and difficulties will...

Iron Man: From Possum to Protector - Part 2

In this series, I’m showing how Tony Stark, or Iron Man, goes from being a possum, or a person who freezes and runs away from problems,...

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