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Iron Man: From Possum to Protector - Part 1

In our culture today we can become one of three types of people. A possum, a protector, or a predator. How we matured emotionally, and...

Homestead Update

Just as we have the changing of seasons to signal new weather patterns, we also have seasons in our life’s journey. Snow has fallen in...

Healing Trauma at the Beach

This morning my husband, son, and I went for a bike ride down to the lake. When we got there we parked at the beach and enjoyed the first...

The Joy Gap in Special Needs Parenting

This past week I attended a conference hosted by Life Model Works, an organization made up of psychologists, pastors, therapists,...

House Naming

According to some information I found on the interwebs recently, house naming started when the nobility in the 17th century made it a...

A Year of Change

We’re getting ready to move. Packing, organizing, getting rid of stuff we haven’t used in years, and all the other stuff that goes along...

Mental Health System Failure

There is a lot of talk about gun control these days. This post is not about that. However, the debate on guns has brought up the subject...

Just Stay Calm

I’ve decided to take a break from social media and the news for a while. There is simply not enough good news being spread around and I’m...

Finding Hope

God always knows exactly what kind of encouragement I need, exactly when I need it, and last week, I really needed encouragement. I know...

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